You can find the contact information of all our team members here.
Social Media
You can find us on GitHub and LinkedIn .
For post:
Software Engineering Group
Institute of Computer Science
University of Bern
Neubrückstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern
For visits and express delivery:
Schützenmattstrasse 14
CH-3012 Bern
Find us on Google Maps.
Directions to visit
Our office is located at “Schützenmattstrasse 14” (building 68), which is the building right behind the one of INF at “Neubrückstrasse 10” (building 66).

Location INF and SEG
- 66: Institut für Informatik (INF), Neubrückstrasse 10
- 68: INF-SEG / Bibliotheken INF und IWI / Cafeteria, Schützenmattstrasse 14
You can reach our office comfortably from the train station either by foot or by bus.
Visiting by foot
- Leave the train station and walk along the “Bollwerk” street in the direction of the train bridge. Pass underneath the train tracks, and continue until you reach the INF, a yellow brick building.
- Alternatively, take the elevator in the train station (next to track 12) up to “Grosse Schanze”, a park in front of the main University building. From there, walk past the Science building (Exakte Wissenschaften) until you reach the “Sidlerstrasse” street and take the footpath down the hill to INF, a yellow brick building.
Visiting by bus
- At the main station, take either bus 11 (direction “Neufeld”) or bus 21 (direction “Bremgarten”) and get out at bus stop “Henkerbrünnli”. You will see the INF, a yellow brick building, to your right. Cross the two streets, and voilà, you are there.