
Latest news from the SEG.

PhD Student Featured in Werner Siemens Foundation Portrait

March 25, 2024

To promote STEM subjects, the Werner Siemens Foundation (WSS) in cooperation with the Swiss Study Foundation awards every year ten excellent students with a Werner Siemens Fellowship. In addition to financial support, the fellowship provides opportunities to participate in networking events of the Werner Siemens Program.

Our new PhD student, Roman Bögli, is one of the fellows 2023/24 and was recently featured in a portrait article on the WSS homepage. Among others, he talks about his research conducted during his Master’s thesis at IBM Research in Rüschlikon.

We are hiring!

November 9, 2023

We are pleased to announce several open PhD positions in the field of software engineering, each of them being funded for at least 4 years. We are looking for highly motivated and dedicated individuals to join our research group and to advance software engineering knowledge and methods.