- SPLC 2024 Best Research Paper
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Our paper titled Give an Inch and Take a Mile? Effects of Adding Reliable Knowledge to Heuristic Feature Tracing by Sandra Greiner, Alexander Schultheiß, Paul Maximilian Bittner, Thomas Thüm and Timo Kehrer, presented at the 28TH ACM INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE PRODUCT LINE CONFERENCE (SPLC 2024), has received a Best Research Paper award.
- FSE 2024 Best Demonstration Award
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Our collaboration paper titled Variability-Aware Differencing with DiffDetective by Paul Maximilian Bittner, Alexander Schultheiß, Benjamin Moosherr, Timo Kehrer and Thomas Thüm, presented at the ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2024), has received a Best Demonstration award.
- EASE 2024 Distinguished Paper Award
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Our paper titled Towards Semi-Automated Merge Conflict Resolution: Is It Easier Than We Expected? by Alexander Boll, Yael van Dok, Manuel Ohrndorf, Alexander Schultheiß and Timo Kehrer, to be presented at the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2024), has received a distinguished paper award.
- PhD Student Featured in Werner Siemens Foundation Portrait
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To promote STEM subjects, the Werner Siemens Foundation (WSS) in cooperation with the Swiss Study Foundation awards every year ten excellent students with a Werner Siemens Fellowship. In addition to financial support, the fellowship provides opportunities to participate in networking events of the Werner Siemens Program.
Our new PhD student, Roman Bögli, is one of the fellows 2023/24 and was recently featured in a portrait article on the WSS homepage. Among others, he talks about his research conducted during his Master’s thesis at IBM Research in Rüschlikon.
- VaMoS 2023 Distinguished Reviewer Award
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At the 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems VaMoS 2023, Sandra Greiner was honored with a Distinguished Reviewer Award.
- IWST 2022 Best Paper Award (1st prize)
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IWST 2022 Best Paper Award (1st prize) for Can We Automatically Generate Class Comments in Pharo? by Pooja Rani, Alexandre Bergel, Lino Hess, Timo Kehrer and Oscar Nierstrasz at Novi Sad, Serbia.
- VaMoS 2024 at the University of Bern
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We are very happy to announce that we are hosting the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, in short VaMoS 2024. The VaMoS conferences aim at bringing together “researchers and practitioners to share ideas, results and experiences about their quest for mastering variability”.
- VaMoS 2023 Distinguished Reviewer Award
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At the 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems VaMoS 2023, Sandra Greiner was honored with a Distinguished Reviewer Award.
Conference Organization
- VaMoS 2024 at the University of Bern
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We are very happy to announce that we are hosting the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, in short VaMoS 2024. The VaMoS conferences aim at bringing together “researchers and practitioners to share ideas, results and experiences about their quest for mastering variability”.
- We are hiring!
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We are pleased to announce several open PhD positions in the field of software engineering, each of them being funded for at least 4 years. We are looking for highly motivated and dedicated individuals to join our research group and to advance software engineering knowledge and methods.
- VariVolution Workshop at SPLC 2023
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At the SPLC in Tokyo, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system:
- VariVolution Organization at SPLC 2022
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At this year’s hybrid SPLC conference in Graz, Sandra Greiner co-organized the fifth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims to bring together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system:
- SPLC 2024 Best Research Paper
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Our paper titled Give an Inch and Take a Mile? Effects of Adding Reliable Knowledge to Heuristic Feature Tracing by Sandra Greiner, Alexander Schultheiß, Paul Maximilian Bittner, Thomas Thüm and Timo Kehrer, presented at the 28TH ACM INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE PRODUCT LINE CONFERENCE (SPLC 2024), has received a Best Research Paper award.
- FSE 2024 Best Demonstration Award
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Our collaboration paper titled Variability-Aware Differencing with DiffDetective by Paul Maximilian Bittner, Alexander Schultheiß, Benjamin Moosherr, Timo Kehrer and Thomas Thüm, presented at the ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2024), has received a Best Demonstration award.
- EASE 2024 Distinguished Paper Award
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Our paper titled Towards Semi-Automated Merge Conflict Resolution: Is It Easier Than We Expected? by Alexander Boll, Yael van Dok, Manuel Ohrndorf, Alexander Schultheiß and Timo Kehrer, to be presented at the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2024), has received a distinguished paper award.
- IWST 2022 Best Paper Award (1st prize)
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IWST 2022 Best Paper Award (1st prize) for Can We Automatically Generate Class Comments in Pharo? by Pooja Rani, Alexandre Bergel, Lino Hess, Timo Kehrer and Oscar Nierstrasz at Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Paper on Round-Trip Migrations in IEEE TSC
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Paper by Luca Beurer-Kellner, Jens von Pilgrim, Christos Tsigkanos, and Timo Kehrer to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.
- New Research Tool: FirmwareDroid
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We are excited to announce the release of FirmwareDroid, an open-source tool developed at our group that allows the user to analyze Android firmware.
Research Project
- New Project: Swiss-African Cybersecurity Community
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We are excited to announce that our group is participating in a new collaborative project called Swiss-African Cybersecurity Community: A Focus on Education, Research and Knowledge Building.
Research Tool
- New Research Tool: FirmwareDroid
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We are excited to announce the release of FirmwareDroid, an open-source tool developed at our group that allows the user to analyze Android firmware.
- SECPPS Workshop at SE 24 in Linz
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At the SE conference in Linz, Austria, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the SECPPS workshop. The Software Engineering conference is a gathering organized by the section Softwaretechnik of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI e.V.)
- We are hiring!
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We are pleased to announce several open PhD positions in the field of software engineering, each of them being funded for at least 4 years. We are looking for highly motivated and dedicated individuals to join our research group and to advance software engineering knowledge and methods.
- VaMoS 2024 at the University of Bern
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We are very happy to announce that we are hosting the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, in short VaMoS 2024. The VaMoS conferences aim at bringing together “researchers and practitioners to share ideas, results and experiences about their quest for mastering variability”.
- VariVolution Organization at SPLC 2022
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At this year’s hybrid SPLC conference in Graz, Sandra Greiner co-organized the fifth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims to bring together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system:
- Master's open days 2022
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The University of Bern offers various courses in the area of computer science - from computer vision to software engineering. Explore various directions in the upcoming Masterinformationstage (Master’s open days). We will talk about the software engineering research aspect and what makes it to pursue on 23rd March and 24th March at 17:00 - 18:00.
- SEG @ Nationaler Zukunftstag 2022
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Am Donnerstag, 10. November 2022 findet der diesjährige Nationale Zukunftstag für Kinder und Jugendliche der 5. bis 7. Klasse statt. Am Nationalen Zukunftstag sind die Kinder und Jugendlichen eingeladen, die Berufswelten ihrer Eltern oder Bekannten kennenzulernen.
Auch das Institut für Informatik bietet mit einem eigens konzipierten Programm den Kindern und Jugendlichen die Möglichkeit, Einblicke in die spannende Welt der Informatik zu erhalten.
- SECPPS Workshop at SE 24 in Linz
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At the SE conference in Linz, Austria, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the SECPPS workshop. The Software Engineering conference is a gathering organized by the section Softwaretechnik of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI e.V.)
- VariVolution Workshop at SPLC 2023
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At the SPLC in Tokyo, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system:
- VariVolution Organization at SPLC 2022
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At this year’s hybrid SPLC conference in Graz, Sandra Greiner co-organized the fifth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims to bring together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system:
Workshop Co-Organization
- SECPPS Workshop at SE 24 in Linz
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At the SE conference in Linz, Austria, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the SECPPS workshop. The Software Engineering conference is a gathering organized by the section Softwaretechnik of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI e.V.)
Workshop Organization
- VariVolution Workshop at SPLC 2023
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At the SPLC in Tokyo, Sandra Greiner co-organized the sixth edition of the VariVolution workshop. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners encountering these phenomena in real-world applications and system: