Research at SEG concerns multiple facets of Software Engineering, reflecting scientific interests of its members. See also Open Positions.
Chair of SEG
Bettina Choffat
+41 31 684 8426 Office 111 bettina dot choffat at inf dot unibe dot ch
Senior Researchers
Dr. PD Christos Tsigkanos
Office 105 christos dot tsigkanos at inf dot unibe dot ch
Post-Doctoral Researchers
Dr. Manuel Ohrndorf
+41 31 684 66 98 Office 108 manuel dot ohrndorf at unibe dot ch
Dr. Atefeh Rohani
Office 105 atefeh dot rohani at unibe dot ch
PhD Students
Jan-Andrea Bard, MSc
Office 108 jan-andrea dot bard at unibe dot ch
Christian Birchler, MSc
+41 31 684 4618 Office 108 christian dot birchler at unibe dot ch
Roman Bögli, MSc
Office 108 roman dot boegli at unibe dot ch
Alexander Boll, MSc
+41 31 684 4618 Office 108 alexander dot boll at inf dot unibe dot ch
Alexander Schultheiß, MSc
AlexanderSchultheiss at pm dot me
Thomas Sutter, MSc
Office 108 thomas dot sutter at unibe dot ch
Pablo Valenzuela, MSc
Office 108 pablo dot valenzuela at unibe dot ch
External PhD Students
Anh Duc Vu, MSc
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin vuducanh at informatik dot hu-berlin dot de
Research & Teaching Assistants
Yael van Dok, BSc
Office 108 yael dot vandok at students dot unibe dot ch
Maurice Amon
Office 108 amon dot maurice at students dot unibe dot ch
Marlene Kulowatz
Office 108 marlene dot kulowatz at students dot unibe dot ch
Ramon Näf
Office 108 ramon dot naef at students dot unibe dot ch
Former Members
Dr. Sandra Greiner
sandra dot greiner at unibe dot ch
Dr. Pooja Rani
pooja dot rani at inf dot unibe dot ch